Grumpy Pirates, Story Camps and tutoring with Eleanor Scott
Dragon Story Saturdays and Sundays-for ages 3.5-5
Grumpy Pirate After School-for ages 5 and up
Seriously Grumpy Pirates- for Grades 2-5
The Hip and Fabulous- for Grades 6-8
*NEW*Grumpy Parents Story Camp-(evenings) for all parents.
Story Camp is a creative, energized series of workshops that include writing, improvisation, art and trust games and exercises. The primary objectives of Story Camps are to learn how to tell good stories, to boost confidence and to make new friends. Simultaneously, we sneak in some academic study of writing composition, public speaking and collaboration. But, we keep that on the down low lest it starts to feel a bit too much like s-c-h-o-o-l.
Given the time, space and the correct mix of engaging projects and enlightened pedagogy, all students, no matter the age, can find their own voice and express it beautifully.
A typical day a Story Camp might include:
* Morning check-in: quote of the day, word of the day, and a brain drain journal session, (“List all your favorite foods; favorite songs; least favorite words.”)
* Improvisation and movement Games(Expert Interview; Guess My Secret; the Queen Game; modified Camouflage.)
* Snack and chat
* Writing exercise(Bad Writing; Least Favorite Words Scene; Build a New Character; Most Embarrassing Moment.)
* Lunch and game
*Scene from a play(Act III of Midsummer Nights’ Dream; Scene one of Dogg’s Hamlet.)
* Acting out of the Box (a quiet drawing or collage exercise; learning how to salsa dance; bad auditions.)
* Building a scene from morning improv and/or writing.
* Special guests and activities
* Sharing: impromptu performances, thoughts, ideas, writing.
The projects, exercises and games mold to fit the students rather than squishing the students into a pre-arranged curriculum.
Weekly Classes: ( For Grumpy Pirates SC, Seriously Grumpy SC and The Hip & Fabulous SC )
*Drop in class: $25
*Eight Week series: once a week-hour and a half class-$160
*Five Week series: twice a week-hour and a half class-$200
Five or Ten day Intensive Sessions(for Seriously Grumpy and The Hip and Fab):
*Drop-in: $75 ( Morning or Afternoon) $125( All Day)
*Mornings: Monday-Friday: 9:00-12:00 $325
*Afternoons: Monday-Friday: 12:30-3:30 $325
*All Day: Monday-Friday: 9:00-3:30
***All journals, writing and art supplies are provided along with a healthy snack.
*** For all classes, it is simple to plug in specific books, themes and historical events.(For example a summer reading list.)
***For interested bay area families who would like to host Story Camp classes in their home, hosting family’s children are free.
*** Story Camp can serve as a great transition from summer fuzz to school buzz. Story Camps helps quell back-to-school jitters.
*** Tutoring in humanities, writing, reading, drawing, performance/public speaking and French: $80 per hour
*** Bien Entendu, On peut faire tous les cours en français.
***All Story Camps can be done at birthday parties, slumber parties, special events and retreats.
*** Scholarships are available.
***NEW class offered in Spring 2010: Grumpy PARENTS Story Camp. Six week series offered in the evenings 7-9pm once a week. Write stories for your kids; start a collection journal of your kids’ great quotes, major accomplishments, daily routines and photos; and write out and share some hilarious parenting escapades.
***Here is a link to Story Camp at San Francisco Friends School happening July 26-30 2010
or go to; click “Summer Camp”, then
“grades 2-4”
There is nothing better than a good story. A well-crafted narrative incites, inspires, teaches, models, integrates, opens, emboldens, elucidates, illustrates, excites and calms. By telling and listening to real and imagined stories, we see our world and ourselves more clearly. Well-told stories are bridges to other realities. These new perspectives teach us compassion. In studying and practicing how to record and then share a story effectively, we learn to listen better. We learn about the nature of things. We learn that laughter cures many ills. We learn how it is to walk in another person’s shoes. We learn.
Susan Engel offers a wonderful essay on the critical requirements for elementary education today. Here is a link to an elucidating article:
CV and References available on request.
For You Tube posting type in “Grumpy Pirates” or use link:

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