3:10pm Right now they( all but Esme—she had a dentist appt.) are playing on their own having invented an amazing narrative/ story about a family of rabbits. (See short video) where the baby bunny,Lelo(Sophie) wants to run away because she didn’t want to go to bunny classes. Classes on how to be a successful bunny. Faxi(Dora) was making dinner. There were some herbs that they were going to slow. Now Lelo escaped her prison and Katie, the bunny teacher, and Flaxy(Riley) are looking at a map to try and find Lelo.
“Carrot seeds are found in deep, wooded areas,” says Katie the bunny teacher.
Went to show the kids where the bathroom was and we went quietly to avoid predators. Unfortunately, on the way back we met a wolf.
Doing favorite and least favorite words( because kids are so young there is much less interest to write things down) Ended up doing some drawings and watercolors.
Sophie: “I don’t want to make a picture of my least favorite things.” Understandable.
Favorite words
Purple( because of how it sounds, not the color)
Ponyo( Dora)
Candy, dessert,
HazMat( the way it sounds),stupendous, éblouissant
Violet, kitten, Welcome,water,fresh
Boo!Pinecone, Imagination
Forest, Paris
Least Favorite words
War, gun, homeless, sand, gray
No! Stop!
“March over to your room, Mister”
“You need to put your hair up.”(“I hate putting my hair up. Because when it’s down, I have more privacy. I can hide in it. It’s like my own private shower curtain.—Katie)
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