Still a few spots left for Grumpy Pirate Story Camp! July 26-30 at San Francisco Friends School Open to all!

Hi Everyone!
Time is a-ticking until Grumpy Pirates Story Camp sets sail!
In two weeks we will embark on a journey of writing stories, telling stories(I have some about my dragon, Dahmay[see above] and Grumpy Pirates as I know a few very well...), inventing characters, learning new words and characters, writing BADLY, learning each other's favorite and unfavorite things, making sock puppets, collages, watercolors, improv. games( like Guess My Secret, Expert Interview and Alien Talk Show, to mention a few...) and possibly writing a play together!
Our mother-ship of narrative adventure is the cool and fabulous San Francisco Friends School. And, believe it or not, there are still a few spots left on our Grumpy Pirate Ship. Sailors are going into grades 2-4. The days are 8:30 to 4pm. It's $400 for the week.
If you are interested call me, 510 333 5519 or email with any questions. If you are ready to sign up, here is the link
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